Are Russian Girls Really Good in Bed?


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There is some kind of crash that causes chemical changes in the brain at the initial stages of any relationship. This is why we feel the increasing level of sexual passion and desire. Chemistry provides sexual activity without the need to listen to sexual preferences or to resort to any additional stimulation of sexual desire.

Sex with a Russian woman is an important part, but it’s only a part of the relationship. Relations can’t be built just on sex. There are more important things. Russian women always want some development in a relationship. A man quickly calms down when he feels that a particular woman is his. This is the cause of most conflicts. Even the best sex will not help in this case. A relationship with a woman is infinity. Women want to be conquered every day. This is the essence of women. Passion is a very important component of strong and healthy relationships. Everything “boils” inside of both partners when relations just begin. So, we will figure out here how to behave with Russian women in bed.


Sex is the obligatory constituent of a healthy relationship

Satisfaction and regular sex life are very important for everyone, and they help people to feel harmony, positive energy, deliver pleasure and joy, satisfy the physical and psychological needs. Regular sex is a guarantee of health and beauty. The role of sex in relationships takes not the last place. After all, the physical health of women and men depends on it.

There are some studies that show that regular sex has a beneficial effect on health:

Sex is needed for physical contact and for reducing anxiety and stress

The skin of a person is very sensitive to touch. Gentle caresses, hugs, and kisses stimulate millions of tactile receptors, causing the production of hormones that suppress aggression and relieve stress. And they cause a feeling of happiness and euphoria as well.

Sex is needed for emotional contact and spiritual intimacy

It is a process that allows many people to feel love. They never experience such a unity with a partner as during intimacy.


Sex reduces pain

Many people think that sex is made for great sensations that can be shared with a loved one. However, the endorphin that is produced during sexual intercourse acts on our body as morphine - a powerful analgesic. Any pain passes with its help.

Sex maintains mental health

People have the feeling that they are needed, beloved, and appreciated. This confidence helps to cope with life's troubles and has a great influence on our mental balance.

Sex improves physical health

Regular sex has just an unusual effect on our body! It is not only a natural massage and gymnastics for the heart, thanks to which blood saturates all the organs and tissues of the body more actively, but also it improves the metabolism and the condition of the skin, hair, and the complexion as well.

Sexual temperament of Russian women

What is their temperament and what things do girls like during sex?

They are very feminine

You can notice that they have a soft and fresh skin. Most Russian women have magnificent forms. They expect you to be kind and patient and will make love as it is advised in books. They hope to enjoy sex, they are interested in unusual ideas. If you want to develop new methods, you must do this very gradually. Although, they have a huge potential for sexual experiments. They follow their passions and can’t change them easily.

They are very demanding

You will get into bed sooner or later. Your partner will leave you lifeless. They are the best in sex. Dating Russian single women, you should know that they like the restrained signs of adoration - light embraces and kisses are good, but it is not enough for satisfying. If you still don’t understand what these beautiful women want in bed, then the answer is simple - you have to bring them a maximum of pleasure.

They are very romantic

Their behavior in the bedroom is deeply romantic. Remember that the design of a room should be unusual. They love furs and may want to make love on a fur carpet on the floor. They will always be as seductive as possible. Russian women can invite you for a dinner. They can make it brilliant for you. They will talk to you in a pleasant voice. You will be fascinated by their attire and beautifully selected jewelry. They will do all of this because they want to get the best sex with loved men.

They are ideal partners

It is most important for them to bring pleasure to their partners. Russians always look for new ways to bring pleasure to a loved one. Intuition always tells them how to behave properly in bed, that is why sex with any Russian woman is perfect.  They are ready for sexual experiments and innovations, so you can openly express your intimate secrets and sexual preferences.

They are very passionate

Russian women in bed are very and very passionate. With a Russian woman you will have a chance to explore what real passion looks like. Unlike the approach of other women, Russian women’s approach is fascinating, and it will surely leave you speechless. They know exactly what to do and how to do it. In fact, they know everything there is to know to make a man feel astonishing pleasure. They know how to make the timing right, how to handle the atmosphere, and provide the right mood. They know what it is that needs to be done to make you achieve the incredible heights that go along with absolute sexual pleasure.


They are ruthless

In case you think having an obedient woman in bed is interesting you are gravely mistaken. Moreover, women are no longer obedient as they have full freedom. And that’s for the best because they use it smartly. They can even be a little bit violent to make your sexual experience far better. In other words, their approach is highly independent and very motivated. Russians in bed are full of enthusiasm and they are motivated to achieve the best results possible. Just believe that they enjoy sex not any less than you or, perhaps, even more. To keep you intrigued it’s best not to say much. In any case, you won’t have any regrets regarding their performance.

They have open mind

If you’re asking what are Russian women like in bed, then you surely need to know that they are very open-minded. They’re not afraid of making something entirely new. They prefer thinking out of the box and not sticking to clichés. Such attitude is priceless when it comes to sex, sexual pleasure, and mutual understanding in bed. To have a fulfilling sexual intercourse you need a partner who’s willing to experiment and make compromises. You don’t want somebody who refuses you all the time. Sexologists advise all couples to pay attention to their sexual life and spice it up to make the relationships last stronger. Relationships in which couples have pleasant sexual experience last longer and are generally more solid. Think of it as a straight road to happiness without obstacles on your way. It’s just you, your partner, and the atmosphere full of relaxation, content, and pleasure.

They are naturally good

So, are Russian girls good in bed? Yes. You may ask why, again? Consider this: they are natural. They are just naturally good. Russian women are famous all over world for their devoted approach to sexual intercourse. They could easily compete with Indians, the other nation famous for its love makers. Russians could have easily come with their own Kama Sutra if only Indians wouldn’t have done it first. Russian girls are good in bed neither because they trained, nor because of their attitude. Making sex absolutely good is just the only way they can do it. And that’s the bottom of it.

You won’t get far by constantly asking “are Russian women good in bed?” To have a complete success you need to approach them carefully and with attention. They will only open to you when you show your devotion and readiness to follow them in the ecstatic wonderland of sexual possibilities that they offer to men they love. Your own contribution to sexual experience with a Russian woman can make the improvements limitless. As long as you are committed, you can expect your favors to be returned. In exchange for your attention, passion, and interest a Russian woman will always have something to surprise you with. What you need to keep in mind is the fact that Russian women are demanding (like all women, though) which is why you are always required to participate and compromise. The secret of sexual pleasure is in mutual commitment.

How to make the best of sex with a Russian girl

Create a romantic atmosphere

First, you need to prepare a place. Believe me, this is much more important than it may seem at first sight. Candles, music, flowers, etc. – all this brings an element of sanctification and a shade of the ritual aspect into your intimacy. In addition, sensual music and aromas of orange, patchouli, jasmine, and ylang-ylang awaken energy. And this is exactly what you need.


Choose a day that you can devote to each other. Be utterly and deeply relaxed; let all your thoughts and feelings go. Usually, our bodies are restrained by constant tension even when we rest. And this blocks energy and reduces sensitivity and receptivity. For a better relaxation and good sex, you can take a bath together for example.

Look at each other during sex

At the moment of intimacy, the most important thing is not sex itself but affection and observation of the sensations of the partner. This has a profound meaning, so don’t close your eyes during caresses and sex. But this is not as simple as it may seem because most of us are afraid of deep emotional intimacy. Let these barriers gradually dissolve. Sometimes, we want to close our eyes in some moments of intimacy and go deeper into our experiences. But don’t do this for too long. At such moment, the intensity of passion decreases and the level of sexual energy falls.

So, we all know that when people are in love, they dissolve in each other. It is very important not to lose this passion throughout all the stages of your relationship whether it is the beginning of your love or several years of cohabitation. Good intimate relationships relax us. We forget all the everyday problems during sex. Sex brings joyful and vivid memories and wonderful experiences that can’t be compared to any other pleasure. It is the world of intimacy that hides many signs and secrets of love.

It is important to understand these signs and secrets, and then your enjoyment will have no boundaries. Every person may feel shame and embarrassment at the early stages of relationships. But it is important to get rid of complexes and surrender to a partner enjoying your fulfilled desires and do everything mutually.

Comments (1)



Aug 21, 2020, 9:31 AM

In fact, Russian girls are really very good in bed. But in order for them to feel relaxed, a man must create good conditions.

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