5 Craziest Christmas Traditions Around The World


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Christmas is a holiday that is celebrated worldwide with each country having its own unique traditions. Some of those are culturally significant and predetermine the outcome of all festive events during the season. Сertain customs and beliefs may look weird but relevant to consolidate a fragmented view of the culture. 


While Santa rewards children that behaved appropriately throughout the year, Krampus does the opposite. The horned and hairy beast won’t be looking for the beauty of lady Krampus but misfits instead. 

Austria celebrates Krampusnacht on December 5th with a rollicking night parade dressed in frightening goat demon costumes. 

Straw Goats

Legend says Yule goat helped Santa deliver Christmas presents to children of Sweden.  Families decorate their homes with small figures made of straw and wrapped by a red ribbon ever since. 

Town Gävle builds a tremendous Yule goat statue that eventually turns to ashes each year with the help of an elusive arsonist.

Red Knickers

In Spain, having red underwear is the surest way to fall in love in the new year. Begging her evergreen feeling for profusion and outpouring, go splurge on sexy red panties first. Keep in mind that the magic diminishes if she rejects the style and buys a different pair on her own.  

Shoe Tossing

Single Czech cuties toss their shoes back over the shoulder in the home direction. A toe facing the door means a soon-to-be marriage, while a heel there’s pointing to another dramedy season. At least, no side option is available.    

Church Skating

Venezuela’s capital gets rolling early in the morning to catch Misa de Aguinaldo (“Early Morning Mass”). On its way, a fleet of vibrant skating Santas is supported by exploding firecrackers and ringing bells. To facilitate the residents, traffic police usually close the roads till the next morning.  

What crazy Christmas tradition have you utilized yet? Share in chat with your lady before she has thrown her shoes over the shoulder one after another! 

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